How Voxxy Grew
Wilson Diamonds’ Website Traffic
by 150%, which led to RECORD SALES
The Problems:
Although Wilson Diamonds was already a leading jeweler in their market, 2 main problems were impeding futher growth:
First, their website was outdated, not mobile friendly, and not capturing leads effectively from their existing online traffic. Such a poor website was misrepresenting their brand and not generating the leads they needed to grow. Because the website was not mobile friendly they also were not providing a good experience to over 50% of their vistitors (over half of their traffic was from mobile devices)
Second, they were being dominated by local competitors in orgatnic search for several focus keywords.
The Results:
Wilson Diamonds hired our team to design a mobile-friendly website to beautifully showcase their rings and educate their visitors on the many advantages of buying from Wilson Diamonds. In addition, we implemented organic search, social media, and PPC campaigns to increase traffic via online channels.
11 out of 12
Focus Keywords
Website Traffic
Our Strategy
Strengthen the Foundation:
Redesign and Development of
Mobile Friendly Site Redesign
50% of Wilson Diamond’s traffic was coming from mobile devices. As such, we redesigned their website to look and function beautifully on any device.
Develop a Mobile-Friendly Ring Showcase
Customers want to see the rings – period. However, the iframes being used on were not mobile friendly. We developed a custom solution that enables Wilson to showcase their fantastic ring selection properly on mobile devices.
Increase Lead QUANTITY and QUALITY
With more than 80% of customers visiting the website before going into the store, we knew how important it was to improve on the functionality, imagery, and lead capture process on Because of these improvements, both the amount of leads and quality of leads going to Wilson’s physical store has increased dramatically.
Implement SEO and Social Media Campaigns
On-Site SEO
Wilson Diamonds old site wasn’t properly communicating with Google. This is a BIG (problem and unfortunately a very common one). To solve this we carefully analyzed the entire site and fixed title, meta, and header tags on the homepage and inner page structures.
In addition, we added a blog section to allow easy posting of high quality educational content.
These strategies fixed the problem with Google. And when Google loves your site, you get more traffic…. And when you get more trafficby now I’m sure you get the point.
Implement a Link-Earning Campaign
Links are still key to ranking organically in Google, and we found unique ways to earn links from related, local, high authority websites and businesses.
Provide Social Media Consulting
Wilson already had an in-house team in place to manage their social media. However, they were not using their social channels properly. This was especially true of Facebook and Pinterest. We helped them structure their team better and provided them with ideas on how to grow their social channels. As a result, they went from having 8 visitors from social media in December 2013 to 2,576 visitors in December 2014.
Lets Talk
10+ years experience
Growing Wilson Diamonds +
Voxxy”s superior online marketing and web design skills…….
We can help you transform your business today.
in your market